Everything is one search away

Love Purohit
3 min readMay 18, 2021

In the 21st century, there are still people who do things that are already developed or that are already present out there to be consumed by us.

Even from my past couple of experiences in the industry, I have seen people doing things that have already been developed and it is out there for us to be consumed by the people who need it.

Search, search and search

A skill mastered by the beginner and forgotten by the more experienced user of the art.

Let's just take an example that will explain the title in a more detailed and simplistic manner.

  1. Suppose you are a beginner, programmer and you have given a project to create a TO-DO website using Django that needs to be completed in a week with a hard deadline. 7 out of 10 people who have more confidence in their skills, will start coding from the get-go. Regardless, the fact that the TODO app in Django is available in one search away. And creating it from scratch will take more time. Surely, if you have more time and want to learn, you can manually create it yourself. We can take that time to modify or upgrade the existing solution created by others.
  2. Another example, suppose if you are working on some tasks like excel, or tally and you want to do update the values of the specific columns with some specific set of values based on some condition. Rather than generating the formula, it is an efficient way to search it online and it is 90% sure, that if any problem that you are facing will be faced by others in this world. So there is a great chance that you will find your solution. So that you will have more time to work on the things that really matter to you.

You might be having the question that why you want to search for it when you are quite experienced in your art and you are quite competent to do these things by yourself.

Possible questions that you can have in your mind, List of WHY’s

  • Why do you want to look for the things, when you are considered one of the best in your field?
  • Why do you want to get anyone else solution, when you could do it?
  • Are you not able to do it?

I am sure you are having these or more than the above questions in your mind.

Let's answer Why’s:

I am sure you are and you might be one of the tops in your field. But let me ask you one thing, doing things from scratch will take some amount of time even it is 1 day at least but your 1 day will be occupied doing those things that have already been out there. You can use that time to do invent something new, or make the solution that you found more apt as per your taste, or spend the time with your family, loved ones, friends and make that time a memory. There is no harm in sharing knowledge and using the knowledge that has been shared by others.

Do things you love, learn new things in that time, rather than spending time on the things that have already been out there.

I heard a quote from a great person saying that, which changed the perspective of how I look at things now,

Do not re-invent the wheel, use that wheel to invent cart.

I hope this blog will help you accomplish your tasks more easily and effectively. Just take your time to search all the way, even if you have to go to the 2nd page of Google, go there and don't be hesitated.

I hope, by doing this you will have more time to spend time with your family, your friends, you will love your art more as you will be able to complete your work more efficiently and once you get a fall for your art, it's all that you want.

So make sure to search like crazy whenever you can and have fun!!

